Tag Archives: mash

Sweet Potato Mash

I don’t know about you, but I’m always having a hard time with side dishes. The meat I’ve got down (pretty much). But the same old boring steamed green beans was getting me down. And now with drastically reducing grains (ie. eating them once in the last 3 1/2 weeks), sometimes I want to add something a little starchier to my meals.

I’ve searched so many times for a recipe for a sweet potato mash. I love sweet potatoes, love the texture of a mash, but every one I saw had sugar and other crap in the recipe. So I made my own.

It’s quick, easy, and best of all, healthy. So if you like sweet potatoes, I’m sure you’ll like my mash.

Sweet Potato Mash


2-3 sweet potatoes (you can alter the number you use, based on how many people you’re feeding, and if you want leftovers, which I always do!)

1 c. chicken stock (I have been making my own, believe it or not!)

butter to taste

salt and pepper to taste


Peel and chop sweet potatoes. Add chicken stock in a pot, and fill with water until it covers about 3/4 of the sweet potatoes. Boil until sweet potatoes are tender (I just check with a fork).

Drain sweet potatoes – BUT THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART. Save the cooking liquid in a heat proof container.

Return the sweet potatoes to the pot and mash. Add enough cooking liquid until they are at the desired consistency and runniness. Add butter, salt and pepper to taste. Serve.

I serve sweet potato mash with chicken, lamb, beef – it can go well with any type of meat. Let me know how you like it!