Tag Archives: grains

What…NO grains??

Rice is a grain. Quinoa is a grain. Wheat is a grain.

I know I have a wheat sensitivity, so I’ve eaten gluten free by substituting rice, rice flour, quinoa and other non-wheat grains over the past couple of years (with the odd slip up which I feel immediately!).

Up until today, this week I had cut out all grains, and the only starchy carbs I had included were sweet potatoes. Today, I made a green shrimp curry and decided to serve it over brown basmati rice. I had maybe 3/4 cup of rice.

And now? My stomach is grumbling! That’s the first time this week! I MUST STOP!
I only ate a couple of hours ago. The past couple of days I haven’t even needed a snack in the afternoon, so I know that this is the rice.

In The Primal Blueprint, Mark Sisson recommends that we stay away from all grains. If you look at evolution, and what our ancestors ate when we last evolved, the main food sources were vegetables, meat, fruit and nuts. No grains. Grains were introduced into our diet relatively recently, and our bodies aren’t able to digest them properly. Plus the effect they have on insulin – they’re trouble waiting to happen. I don’t profess to know the ins and outs of our biology and physiology, but I know this. There’s no bloody way I should be hungry an hour and a half after eating dinner!

That’s proof enough for me. So as much as I can, grains are out.

I encourage you to research the effect of grains on our bodies for yourself. And if you want further proof, cut them out completely for a couple of weeks, then eat them and see what happens. I can’t believe I’ve seen a difference after just a couple of days, but to me it validates the no grain philosophy.

This should be interesting!